We celebrate 5 years

This September this Blog celebrates 5 years of being current sharing tacit knowledge, that which is generated through personal experience that involves intangible factors such as observation, values, points of view, intuition, etc… but that are taken to this Blog in a structured and summarized way that is understandable to you the readers, that is; translating it into explicit knowledge.

This Blog allows me to broadcast content that allows me to connect and interact with you as an audience. The quality of this Blog lies in the quality of the readers who enhance the content that is published on it and shared on social media and major search engines.

You all know that innovation is transversal in every company; be it large or small, and to achieve this, a lot of work must be done at the cultural level. The objective of writing for you has been to provide “tips” to build that culture of innovation that many of the people and companies in the world lack in these times.

The content of the Blog revolves around the organizations, activities, services and products. This communication channel allows me to use a language that is closer to readers, which seeks to make readers feel comfortable in seeking to interact with us through our content. The current content, of interest and the frequency with which it is published makes us grow in audience around the world.

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Why do I write in this Blog?

Those of us who have a vocation to innovate see no limits, no barriers that prevent us from telling the world what we think. The indicator is our readers, those who usually follow the Blog and especially those who make comments to us; With the latter, even without knowing many of them physically, it seems that we are lifelong colleagues.

Writing in a blog does not make me dependent, on the contrary, I feel quite liberated. I consider each article as an “informative pill”, I don’t have to be formal, nor limited in length, nor follow a certain narrative structure, I don’t even have to write about a certain topic, but if I try to find for readers topics that They are trend.

I don’t consider myself a slave to the Blog, I would be if I had to write about something I don’t know, or if I wanted to create and maintain a large audience. Writing about something that I consider my passion forces me to pause at work, reflect and share.

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Blog statistics

98 articles have been presented in this Blog, which have been read by 98,908 readers from many countries in the world, and where 115,510 open sessions have been established on this website, for 135,908 pages visited in 5 years.

They have followed us from more than 170 countries in 4 languages, where the percentage of readers following this Blog is 86% and new readers maintain a percentage of 14% after these 5 years. Many of them have accessed through desktop computers (60.8%), through smartphones (38.9%) and through tablets a smaller percentage (0.3%). The last 3 years the Blog has grown exponentially and has maintained an average of 48,000 page views per year.

At the gender level, 62.4% of men and 37.6% of women were readers during this entire period. And the access by age is broken down as follows: 39% of young readers between 18/24 years old, 25% access in ages between 25/34 years, 13% are ranges between 35/44 readers, 11% for the ranges aged between 45/54 years, 6% of the readers are between 55/64 years and 4% are older than 65 years.

The countries that remain in the top 5 as readers are: Mexico with 54.1%, Colombia with 16.5%, Peru with 9.8%, the United States with 9.8% and Spain with 9.8 % about. Later, the ranking of readers by country is presented.

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It would never have been possible to grow, or reach these 5 years, without your support. Thanks to your trust, we have become a reference Blog on topics such as: emerging technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship.

That’s why I’m looking forward to seeing you here again. Thank you very much for all this time together.